Susan Mopper
1977 B.S. (Biology/Chemistry) Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
1982 M.S. (Zoology) Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
1987 Ph.D (Zoology) Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
Interdisciplinary research and student training in ecology, physiology, and evolutionary biology.
See my Research Webpage for further information.
Selected publications:
- Tobler M., Van Zandt, P., Hasenstein, K., and S. Mopper. Growth and Reproduction of a Wetland Plant in Response to Salinity and Florivory. Wetlands (revision submitted, decision pending).
- Geddes, N. and S. Mopper. 2006. Effects of environmental salinity on vertebrate florivory and wetland communities. COVER ARTICLE Natural Areas Journal 26:31-37.
- Schile, L. and S. Mopper. 2006. Negative effects of salinity stress on a leafmining insect and its host plant. Ecological Entomology, In press.
- Mopper, S. 2005. Phenology – The role of time in structuring space for herbivorous insect populations. Annales Zoologici Fennici 42:327-333.
- Van Zandt, P., S. Mopper. 2004. The effects of maternal salinity and seed environment on germination and growth in Iris hexagona. Evolutionary Ecology Research 6:813-832.
- Mopper, S., Y. Wang, C. Criner, K. Hasenstein. 2004. Iris hexagona hormonal response to salinity stress, leafminer herbivory, and phenology. Ecology 85:38-47.
- Mopper, S., and A. Agrawal. 2004. Special Feature in Phytohormonal Ecology. Ecology 85:3-77.
- Mopper, S., Y. Wang, C. Criner, K. Hasenstein. 2004. Iris hexagona hormonal responses to salinity stress, leafminer herbivory, and phenology. Ecology 85:38-47.
- Van Zandt, P., M. Tobler, E. Mouton, K. Hasenstein, and S. Mopper. 2003. Positive and negative consequences of salinity stress for growth and reproduction of the clonal plant, Iris hexagona. Journal of Ecology 91:837-846.
- Van Zandt, P. V., V. R. Townsend, C. E. Carlton, M. Blackwell and S. Mopper. 2003. The lizard beetle Loberus impressus (Coleoptera, Languriidae) and its association with the seed capsules of Iris hexagona. The Coleopterists Bulletin 57:281-288.
- Van Zandt, P. and S. Mopper. 2002. Delayed and carryover effects of salinity on flowering in Iris hexagona (Iridaceae). American Journal of Botany 89:364-383.
- Wang, Y., S. Mopper, K. Hasenstein. 2001. Effects of salinity on endogenous levels of ABA , IAA, JA, and SA in Iris hexagona. Journal of Chemical Ecology 27:327-342.
- Mopper, S., P. Stiling, K. Landau, D. Simberloff, and P. Van Zandt. 2000. Spatiotemporal variation in leafminer population structure and adaptation to individual oak trees. Ecology 81:1577-1587.
- Mopper, S., K. Landau, P. Van Zandt. 2000. Adaptive evolution and neutral variation in a wild leafminer metapopulation. Pages 116-138 In Mousseau, T., Sinervo, B., Endler, T., eds., Adaptive Genetic Variation in the Wild. Oxford University Press, New York
- Van Zandt, P. A. and S. Mopper. 1998. A meta-analysis of adaptive deme formation in phytophagous insect populations. American Naturalist 152:597-606.
- Mopper, S. and S. Strauss. 1998. Genetic Structure and Local Adaptation in Natural Insect Populations: Effects of Ecology, Life History, and Behavior. Chapman & Hall , New York . (edited volume)
- Mopper, S. 1998. Local adaptation and stochastic events in an oak leafminer population. Pages 139-155 in Mopper, S. and S. Strauss, eds., Genetic Structure and Local Adaptation in Natural Insect Populations: Effects of Ecology, Life History, and Behavior. Chapman & Hall, New York.
- Boecklen, W. and S. Mopper. 1998. Local adaptation in specialist herbivores: Theory and evidence. Pages 64-90 in Mopper, S. and S. Strauss, eds., Genetic Structure and Local Adaptation in Natural Insect Populations: Effects of Ecology, Life History, and Behavior. Chapman & Hall, New York.
- Cobb, N., S. Mopper, K. Ghering, M. Caouette, K. Christensen, T. Whitham. 1997. Increased moth herbivory associated with environmental stress of pinyon pine at local and regional levels. Oecologia 109:389-397.
- Mopper, S. 1996. Adaptive genetic structure in phytophagous insect populations. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11:235-238.
- Mopper, S., M. Beck, D. Simberloff, and P. Stiling. 1995. Local adaptation and agents of mortality in a mobile insect. Evolution 49:810-815.
- Mopper, S. and D. Simberloff. 1995. Differential herbivory in an oak population: the role of plant phenology and insect performance. Ecology 76:1233-1241.
Feel free to contact me at this address:
Susan Mopper, Department of Biology, PO Box 42451, Lafayette, LA 70504 or, Telephone: (337) 482-6277