4-Year Plan
Degree Plan For Biology with Concentration in Microbiology
Bachelor of Science | CODE: S117-20 (260101-01)
The degree plan shown here is from the current Catalog. These requirements may differ from those in place when you began your degree. Students have the option of changing to the newest Catalog (unless they are within 1 year of graduation, i.e. no changes can be made in the Senior year). For more information, see Changing Catalog for Degree Plan.
Freshman Year
- BIOL 110: Fundamentals of Biology I, 3 credit hours
- BIOL 112: Fundamentals of Biology I Lab, 1 credit hour
- CHEM 107: General Chemistry I, 3 credit hours
- ENGL 101: Intro to Academic Writing, 3 credit hours
- MATH 143: Pre-Calc. Algebra & Trig, 3 credit hours NOTE!
- UNIV 100: First Year Seminar, 3 credit hours
- BIOL 111: Fundamentals of Biology II, 3 credit hours
- BIOL 113: Fundamentals of Biology II Lab, 1 credit hour
- CHEM 108: General Chemistry II, 3 credit hours
- CHEM 115: General Chemistry Lab, 2 credit hours
- ENGL 102: Writing & Research About Culture, 3 credit hours
- MATH 250: Survey of Calculus, 3 credit hours NOTE!
Sophomore Year
- BIOL 203: Biological Diversity, 3 credit hours
- BIOL 230: Fund of Cell and Molec Biology, 3 credit hours
- BIOL 231: Fund of Cell and Molec Biol Lab, 1 credit hour
- CHEM 231: Organic Chemistry I, 3 credit hours
- CHEM 233: Organic Chemistry Lab I, 1 credit hour
- BHSC: Behavioral Science Elective, 3 credit hours
- BIOL 233: Genetics and Evolution, 3 credit hours
- CHEM 232: Organic Chemistry II, 3 credit hours
- CHEM 234: Organic Chemistry Lab II, 2 credit hours
- BIOL 261: General Microbiology, 3 credit hours
- BIOL 263: General Microbiology Lab, 2 credit hours
- Elective: Free Elective, 3 credit hours
Junior Year
- BIOL 340: Immunobiology, 3 credit hours
- CHEM 221: Analytical Chemistry, 3 credit hours
- CHEM 222: Analytical Chemistry Lab, 2 credit hours
- ENGL 365: Technical Writing, 3 credit hours NOTE!
- PHYS 207: Intro to Physics I, 3 credit hours NOTE!
- BIOL 351: Parasitology, 3 credit hours NOTE-Organismal electives
- BIOL 342: Immunobiology Lab, 2 credit hours
- BIOL 326: Microbial Physiology & Genetics, 3 credit hours
- PHYS 208: Physics II, 3 credit hours
- PHYS 215: Physics Laboratory I, 1 credit hour
Fall or Spring
- HIST xxx: History Elective, 3 credit hours
- ARTS: Fine Arts Elective, 3 credit hours
Senior Year
- BIOL 403: Fund of Virology, 3 credit hours NOTE-Microbiology electives
- CHEM 317: Biochemistry I, 3 credit hours
- CHEM 319: Biochemistry Lab, 2 credit hours
- CHEM 417: Biochemistry II, 3 credit hours
- BIOL 354: Pathogenic Microbiology, 3 credit hours NOTE-Laboratory electives
- BIOL 356: Pathogenic Microbiology Lab, 2 credit hours
Fall or Spring
- BIOL 400: Microbiol Preparation I, 2 credit hours
- Elective: Free Elective, 3 credit hours
- BHSC: Behavioral Science Elective, 3 credit hours
- ENGL xxx: Literature Elective, 3 credit hours
- PHYS 216: Physics Laboratory II, 1 credit hour
Return to Top • Sophomore Year • Junior Year
- Students who do not meet the minimum ACT math score for MATH 143 should take MATH 109 (PRE-CALCULUS ALGEBRA) and MATH 110 (PRE-CALCULUS TRIGONOMETRY AND FUNCTION THEORY) prior to MATH 250; for this option, 3 of these 9 credit hours will be applied toward electives credits.
- Qualified students should take MATH 270 (Calculus I) and MATH 301 (Calculus II) in lieu of MATH 143 and 250.
- ENGL 365: Technical Writing satisfies the UL core requirement for Humanities: Communication.
- The Department of Physics requires that students complete MATH 110 or MATH 143 before registering for PHYS 207.